Sunday, September 28, 2008

Live Brave

A new blog to mark the start of a new adventure - one that is all about Living Brave.

Live Brave is about saying and doing the things in life that are important! Often, they are the things that are scary, unpopular, unpolitical, lonely and seemingly irrational. Yet, they are the very acts that will help us to discover happiness. They are powered by truth and divinity, a gift from something much bigger than any one of us.

Rather than titling this blog, Adventures in Africa or Three Crazy White Girls, Live Brave marks an effort and movement by thousands of people to start living in a new way. Live Brave cannot be confined by geography. It is a global movement, called many things from spirituality to enlightenment to development.

Buddha said, "Be ye a lamp unto yourself. Be the light." Christ said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Light." To me, this means that we each possess divinity and can know our path and be a light on that path. We have that light within us, if we are willing to connect to it.

This newest journey was born out of a seed planted five years ago. Following a heartbreaking divorce, I realized that I had lost part of my soul somewhere in the recent past. Based on a recommendation from a good friend, I started looking at non-profits. I began volunteering for a small nओं-profit, . Soon after, I decided that I was going to go to Kenya (and many other places).

On my first trip to Kenya in 2006, I felt that I had "come home." In a very spiritual sense, I felt connected to the country and to the people. I knew I had discovered part of my path. But, with two young children at home, I thought the path would begin in about 18 years.

This past year has been riddled with challenges, loss, sorrow and sadness. At the very same time, it has been a year of gifts, peace, insight and new opportunities.


GWF said...

Hey Emily - your blog looks great. You are so good at this sort of thing. I started a blog too.

You should check it out.

Canamerican said...

Hey Miss Em! Wow!! This is So Awesome!!! You are living a true dream! You are a great example to everyone! It is so easy to become distracted by "everyday life". Thank you for being such an inspiration! I MISS YOU!!! Good luck in your new adventures! We'll be praying for you!

XOXO Your "Canadian" Friend